404 Rounds Dr. Fenton MI 48430

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Arthritis Articles

Arthritis is a common source of pain. Browse our articles to learn more about arthritis, and different methods of treatment. Arthritis Treatments Back Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Chiropractic Care for Seniors TMJ, TMD, and Jaw Pain Articles: 5 Tips for… Continue Reading…


Rheumatoid Arthritis and Exercise

This recent study1 examined the effects of an 8-week dance-based exercise program in a group of 10 women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA, Class III). Previous research by the same authors had found that the EDUCIZE program, developed by arthritis researchers,2 was helpful… Continue Reading…


Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis can cause a great deal of pain and disruption in our lives. The good news is that there are many methods of treatment which have been proven to help alleviate that pain. Browse our articles to learn more. Articles:… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Capsaicin Treatment for TMJ

This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study sought to determine the efficacy of a topical capsaicin cream in the treatment of localized pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. Capsaicin is a topical analgesic that has been used to treat such conditions… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Golfer benefits from chiropractic for hip pain

Although golfing is a low-impact sport, athletes can still suffer from injuries like pain in the lower back, hips, wrists and elbows as a result of overuse. Previous research has shown that a golf swing can place compressive loads on… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Chiropractic Care for Seniors

Aches and pains are as much a part of the aging process as wrinkles and fine lines, but good chiropractic care can keep the spine strong and allow seniors to maintain normal activity long into their golden years. How does… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Shoulder Pain and Chiropractic

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body, making it highly susceptible to injury. In fact, the shoulder is one of the most common sources of pain complaints. Persistent shoulder pain can have many origins, from whiplash… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

The Healing Power of Touch

Massage is often thought of as a luxurious spa treatment meant for sheer pleasure, but massage has actually been proven to be beneficial for a number of medical conditions as an alternative or complimentary therapy. The Touch Research Institute highlights… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Hip Pain: Common Causes and How Chiropractic Can Help

Our hips serve innumerable functions for our body; they keep us upright, allow us to bear weight, walk smoothly, run, jump, kick, play. Since the hips are engaged in nearly every way we move, pain in this area can have… Continue Reading…

ArthritisBack Pain

Back Pain and Chiropractic

Low back pain is a very common pain symptom. One out of three of us suffer from some kind of back pain every year, and many people live with chronic spinal pain. The good news is that chiropractic has been… Continue Reading…



Updated 06/02/2020