404 Rounds Dr. Fenton MI 48430

Back Pain

Chiropractic and Family Practice Physician Treatment Outcomes for Chronic, Recurrent Low-Back Pain

Despite the large number of patients with chronic low back pain there is little data on treatment effectiveness for this group. The authors of this feasibility study sought to answer some of the many questions on clinical management of chronic… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic and Back Pain

Back pain is a difficult and expensive health problem. Finding the most effective treatment for patients with back pain is a priority in this age of managed care. This new study, conducted in Australia, was designed to look at the… Continue Reading…

Back PainNeck PainNeck Pain Treatment

Chiropractic, Neck Pain, Disc Herniation

This study examined 27 patients in a private chiropractic practice who presented with neck or back pain and who had MRI-documented cervical or lumbar disc herniations that corresponded with clinical findings. “Patients were treated with a course of chiropractic care… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic More Effective Than Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective treatment for patients with low back pain. Now a new report1 has looked further into the effectiveness of chiropractic by comparing it to physical therapy treatment, and, more significantly, studying the… Continue Reading…

Back PainNeck PainNeck Pain Treatment

Chiropractic, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain

Over the last few years, there have been increasing pressures to reduce the costs associated with treating low back pain, while, at the same time, increasing the effectiveness of that treatment. A recent study1 sums up the problem: “A growing body… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Back Pain, Disc Herniation

Over the last few years, it has been recognized in the medical literature that conservative treatment works best for many cases of lumbar disc herniation. For patients with far-lateral, or extreme lateral herniation, however, the effectiveness of conservative care is… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic Increases Spinal Flexibility for Low Back Pain

For many people who suffer from low back pain, chiropractic treatments ease their symptoms and increase flexibility. But why does it work? And which patients are most likely to benefit? Recently, a team of researchers based in the United States… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Sciatica, Back Pain

Work-related sciatica is clinically challenging and an expensive problem for our health care systems. One recent study found that workers with sciatica are significantly more likely to be prescribed opioids for their condition.1 Another study found that workers with low back… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic & Massage Beneficial for Back Pain

Back pain is a very common complaint, affecting up to 30% of people in the United States each year, and it is one that can be difficult to treat. Recent news has raised doubt about the effectiveness of some traditional… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic – Osteoarthritis, Arthritis

Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective treatment for lumbar spinal pain. A new study1 describes the previously reported benefits of chiropractic: “Giles and Muller compared the outcomes of acupuncture, medication, and spinal manipulation on spinal pain… Continue Reading…



Updated 06/02/2020