404 Rounds Dr. Fenton MI 48430

Back Pain

Chiropractic More Effective Than Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective treatment for patients with low back pain. Now a new report1 has looked further into the effectiveness of chiropractic by comparing it to physical therapy treatment, and, more significantly, studying the… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Back Pain, Disc Herniation

Over the last few years, it has been recognized in the medical literature that conservative treatment works best for many cases of lumbar disc herniation. For patients with far-lateral, or extreme lateral herniation, however, the effectiveness of conservative care is… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Sciatica, Back Pain

Work-related sciatica is clinically challenging and an expensive problem for our health care systems. One recent study found that workers with sciatica are significantly more likely to be prescribed opioids for their condition.1 Another study found that workers with low back… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic & Massage Beneficial for Back Pain

Back pain is a very common complaint, affecting up to 30% of people in the United States each year, and it is one that can be difficult to treat. Recent news has raised doubt about the effectiveness of some traditional… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic Safe and Effective for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Low back pain can be a serious problem during pregnancy: studies show that over half of women report back pain at some point during pregnancy. Furthermore, as a new study1 explains, many women experience their first episode of back pain… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Muscle Relaxants and Back Pain

Over ¾ of adult Americans experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, and nearly 1 in 5 experience it each year, making it important to determine which treatments are most effective. This double-blind study looked at the… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chronic Back Pain, Chiropractic Effective

This study based used a practice-based, observational model to look at the effectiveness of intervention in a selected group of patients with both acute and chronic lower back pain (LBP). It compared the efficacy of chiropractic intervention with standard medical… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Treating Chronic Back Pain With Chiropractic

Low back pain is a very common condition, and one that is very expensive for our health care system. Experts estimate that chronic back pain costs the US about $100 billion each year in direct and indirect costs. As the… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Spinal Stenosis, Back Pain

Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a serious health problem, especially among the elderly. “Spinal stenosis has been defined as any narrowing of the spinal canal or the various tunnels through which nerves and other structures communicate with that canal.” 1… Continue Reading…

Back PainNeck Pain

Chiropractic, Neck Pain, Back Pain

This RAND review of the literature analyzed 1,457 studies related to manipulation of the cervical spine. Only sixty-seven of these were used in the final analysis, as they were the only ones that specifically addressed the effectiveness of treatment. “Analysis… Continue Reading…



Updated 06/02/2020