Whiplash Treatment Fox River Grove, IL
If you were involved in an auto related accident and are concerned about Whiplash, you should be. Many people don’t realize how bad their neck injury was or even if they had one until years down the road. Dr. Keith Kretschmar can help you recover now, before it develops into something worse that may not be treatable.
Patients come in after being involved in an accident and some are in pain immediatly and then is subsides and others aren’t in any pain at all however, that symptom of pain is not the issue we are most concerned about. We need to determine the damage in the soft tissue and if there are misalignments in your cervical spine that could results in major issues in the health and your future.
Dr. Keith Kretschmar, your Fox River Grove chiropractor, has helped thousands of patients over the years people recover from injuries they suffered from during an automobile crash, slip and fall or even work related injury. The number one goal the clinic works to do is stop any progression of the degeneration process that begins after and auto accident and the second goal which is just as important is to revers the damage that has been done and help the patient heal.
If you are wondering what to do after a car accident and looking for a treatment for whiplash or a treatment for neck pain in general, Dr. Kretschmar can help and is now accepting New Patients!
Call Today (847) 756-7503