404 Rounds Dr. Fenton MI 48430

Back Pain

Chiropractic Increases Spinal Flexibility for Low Back Pain

For many people who suffer from low back pain, chiropractic treatments ease their symptoms and increase flexibility. But why does it work? And which patients are most likely to benefit? Recently, a team of researchers based in the United States… Continue Reading…

ArthritisKnee and Leg Pain

Arthritis Articles

Arthritis is a common source of pain. Browse our articles to learn more about arthritis, and different methods of treatment. Arthritis Treatments Back Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Chiropractic Care for Seniors TMJ, TMD, and Jaw Pain Articles: 5 Tips for… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic, Sciatica, Back Pain

Work-related sciatica is clinically challenging and an expensive problem for our health care systems. One recent study found that workers with sciatica are significantly more likely to be prescribed opioids for their condition.1 Another study found that workers with low back… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic & Massage Beneficial for Back Pain

Back pain is a very common complaint, affecting up to 30% of people in the United States each year, and it is one that can be difficult to treat. Recent news has raised doubt about the effectiveness of some traditional… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic – Osteoarthritis, Arthritis

Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective treatment for lumbar spinal pain. A new study1 describes the previously reported benefits of chiropractic: “Giles and Muller compared the outcomes of acupuncture, medication, and spinal manipulation on spinal pain… Continue Reading…

Low back pain

Back Pain

Chiropractic Can Prevent Back Pain

Back pain is a very common condition, affecting one out of three adults. Experts estimate that chronic back pain costs the US about $100 billion each year in direct and indirect costs. As with all health issues, it’s better and easier… Continue Reading…


Acupuncture better than drug for sciatica

Acupuncture could be better than a common drug for treating sciatica pain, a recent small study suggests. After three treatments, 57% of acupuncture patients were cured compared to just 27% of patients taking a common pain killer and 20% receiving… Continue Reading…

Neck PainWhiplash

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a painful condition that results when the nerves that travel through the neck are compressed by muscles or other tissues. In auto injuries, the muscles of the neck can be strained. If not treated, these strained… Continue Reading…


Coping Strategies and Whiplash

Coping strategies in chronic pain patients have been found as a major predictor of physical and psychological outcomes. If a patient possesses healthy coping mechanisms, they can handle stressors more effectively, experience fewer symptoms, recover faster, and require less rehabilitation.… Continue Reading…

Back Pain

Chiropractic Safe and Effective for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Low back pain can be a serious problem during pregnancy: studies show that over half of women report back pain at some point during pregnancy. Furthermore, as a new study1 explains, many women experience their first episode of back pain… Continue Reading…



Updated 06/02/2020